Wednesday, December 10, 2008


What the fuck is with the worlds obsession with celebrities?!  Seriously,  I watch tv and I am flabbergasted that you get a story about Britney Spears new haircut or Lindsay Lohans drinking problem is a bigger head line then the economic recession we are in.  Why do people care so much that Lindsay Lohan is a fucking alkie,  everyone has their vices.  The media is so saturated with this bullshit that everyone forms an opinion on people that live across the globe,  its almost like she's your neighbor and you're witnessing her downward spiral.

People travel the world to get a glimpse of just a person,  just too see them living.  I am a fan of the Twilight books (I know,  but fuck you)  and now the guy that playing Edward Cullen is getting followed EVERYWHERE.  I remember he said somewhere that he feels bad cause people tell him "I TRAVELED FROM POLAND,  SAT IN THE RAIN FOR 2 DAYS AND DIDN'T SLEEP SO I COULD SEE YOU WALK DOWN A RED CARPET AND LOOK GOOD!"  its not like he's going to put on a show or sing for them,  or do anything worth all that wait.  He's just another guy that shits,  sleeps,  eats,  and probably is just as addicted too coffee and cigarettes as the rest of the world is.  

I don't see how people envy these men/women stuck in the hollywood bullshit.  Having people know your move before you do,  followed everywhere,  flashing lights,  screaming people,  opinions about you based on miniscule information thats most likely a lie based through the internet/magazines/tvshows.  

I actually feel bad for these people,  thats why they are so fucked,  because every step they take in life is ridiculed and examined.  SO much stress to constantly look pretty/  say the right thing/  be accused of things you didn't do/  and make mistakes that everyone makes but since your a celebrity you can't fuck up.  God bless these people for not putting a .45 to their head and pulling the trigger cause thats what I would wind up doing.