Sunday, February 1, 2009


The SuperBowl,  the most watched television event on earth.  With an average of 97.5 million people watching each year.  Thats 3 times the amount of the population of Uganda,  9 times the amount of people that live in Greece and twice the amount of Italy.  In 1982 49.1 percent of the households in America tuned into the SuperBowl.  Not to mention since 1984 the SuperBowl has been the premiere commercial spot,  with an average of a 2 million price range for a 30 second spot.  Some of the SuperBowl viewers only watch for the creative over the top commercials.  From the memorable Apple(Mac for those who are idiots) Computers "Big Brother" themed commercial to the Budweiser frogs.  The SuperBowl is an event unlike any other,  but why?

Why are sports so popular anyway?  No clue,  but its fucking stupid.